empower epnecsaconm

Deliver Better Health by Strengthening Supply Chain Capacity of Frontline Healthcare Workers

A supply chain is only as strong as its very last link, and that is the critical role you play. By delivering medicines and other health commodities in the right place at the right time, you play a vital role in the well-being of your community. To ensure you are able to provide effective, efficient and equitable delivery of services till the last mile, 13 courses on Procurement and Supply Chain Management have been developed that will empower you with improved knowledge and better supply chain management skills.

ECSACON has partnered with Empower Swiss, SARL to develop these courses that cover the essential and updated concepts of Supply Chain Management which affect how you do your job on a daily basis, while helping you understand the basics of the existing supply chain systems in the healthcare industry. They are easy to understand, with explanatory videos and interactive parts to guide you.

You can save time to do what you do best, patient and community well-being.
